Accreditation with Constructionline is a great way to start.

Building and construction employs around 3.1 million people, or more than 9 percent of the total workforce, making it one of the most important sectors in the UK economy. Constructionline accreditation is required by many clients in order for them to be able to identify competent and compliant contractors, material suppliers, and consultants within their supply chain.

Reading Time: 3 minutes
Accreditation with Constructionline is a great way to start.

What Is the Constructionline System?

Constructionline is a rating system for consultants, contractors, and material suppliers to the construction sector in the United Kingdom. It was established in 1996. Buyers utilise this platform to find organisations that can demonstrate their compliance with a variety of company compliance challenges, such as HIPAA and GLBA compliance. In addition to being used by more than 2,000 customers, such as local governments, major contractors, and the federal government; the Constructionline supplier database contains around 46,000 suppliers in total.

Become Constructionline Accredited

Achieving Constructionline certification is based on the document Construction Pre-Qualification Questions, also known as the PAS91 Common Assessment Standard, with the goal of allowing suppliers to avoid lengthy and repetitive pre-qualification questionnaires for different customers by demonstrating that they have achieved Constructionline certification. Everyone will benefit from saving both time and money in this manner.

How Can Constructionline Assist You in Growing Your Business?

  • Membership in the Constructionline database helps to market your company and open the door to new job prospects.
  • Certification by Constructionline enhances your company’s image and allows you to secure contracts that you would not have otherwise been able to win. Constructionline accreditation is free.
  • This database is used by more than 8,000 procurement professionals and 2,500 purchasing organisations to find consultants and contractors for their projects.
  • Constructionline is utilised by a number of significant contractors and organisations, including the NHS Trust and local governments.
  • You have the freedom to concentrate on your primary business tasks.
  • This affiliation establishes your company’s relationship with the Construction Industry Council (CIC)
  • Using modern health and safety measures, you can lower your risks significantly.
  • Make yourself stand out from the crowd.
  • By gaining access to new contracts, you can increase your profitability.
  • Being Constructionline accredited makes it easier to tender for construction projects since it reduces the amount of information that has to be provided by your company for each construction tender.
  • In comparison to businesses that do not have accreditation, your company will be recognised as adhering to industry and government standards, resulting in you being a more preferred choice when it comes to tendering.
  • Join the more than 23,000 companies in the United Kingdom that have registered with Constructionline.
  • Access to free “Meet the Nuyers” events held across the country and around the world. These events provide you with a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to meet and network with senior executives from significant corporations.

In total, there are four levels of certification:

  • Associate (entry level),
  • Silver (level 2),
  • Gold (level 3),
  • Platinum (level 4).

While most Principal Contractors accept Silver, larger Principal Contractors are increasingly requesting Gold accreditation.

Among the Constructionline enquiries are those pertaining to financial information and insurance as well as ones pertaining to health and safety, environmental management, quality assurance, building information modelling, and corporate social responsibility.  If you have an SSIP H&S certificate such as CHAS, SafeContractor, or similar, you are automatically pre-qualified for the H&S portion; however, if you do not have one of these, you can take Constructionline’s own H&S assessment, known as Acclaim.

What Can JVR Consultancy Do To Assist You?

We can assist you throughout the entire process, from application to production of the necessary policies and procedures, data collection and uploading, and then throughout the year responding to any Constructionline requests for updates or additional information, allowing you to concentrate on running your business. Contact us today!

Frequently Asked Questions from our Customers

Achieve Accreditation and Compliance with JVR

JVR Consultancy was formed in the year 2008 and their head office is based in Windsor and Maidenhead. We noticed that there was a gap in the market, for companies who work in the construction, rail, utilities, oil and gas sector who were not fully supported in the way that they could be when it came to industry compliance and certification. That is why our highly experienced team of compliance consultants can serve these sectors by providing over 135 years of combined experience with all compliance needs. In short, you won’t find anyone else who cares as much, or who tries as hard as we do.

Speak with one of our experienced consultants. At JVR, we know that time is precious, and you want the answers to your questions quickly, especially during an audit!. Once we speak with you for the first time over the phone, we need around 10 minutes to fully evaluate which accreditation you need support with and a brief introduction into you and your company.

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Matt Whiteman

I hope you enjoy reading this article.

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