Your guide to audit readiness

Audit is a word that strikes fear in many organisations. However, if your business is well-prepared for an audit, the whole process becomes a hassle-free experience. JVR Consultancy is highly experienced in compliance and the audit process. As a respected consultancy, here at JVR, we can ensure that your business is fully prepared for passing your audit.

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As we specialise in the construction, rail, utilities, oil and gas sectors, we are well-versed in the audit process required for Utilities Vendor Database (UVDB), Achilles and RISQS (audits conducted by Capita). In fact, some of our consultants have worked as Achilles auditors which gives them an even greater insight into the audit process and requirements.

Why are Audits Required?

For high-risk industries such as rail, construction, utilities, oil, and gas, businesses must be compliant with the rules and regulations required by the sector. Accreditations such as UVDB, RISQS, and Achilles ensure that suppliers in these industries meet the required standards. These sought-after accreditations act as a hallmark of quality and reassure businesses that suppliers with these accreditations can be trusted to deliver a safe, socially responsible and reliable service.

To achieve these accreditations in the first place, and to keep them, suppliers are audited to ensure that they continue to uphold the standards required. Audits are undertaken to provide assurance to businesses that their supply chain is compliant with the necessary health and safety, and business systems standards required. Ultimately, audits can help to ensure that suppliers continue to maintain health and safety standards, social responsibility standards and business systems standards and quality standards. Without audits, none of these critical factors would be subject to regular scrutiny.

What Happens During the Audit Process?

The audit process typically begins with your company completing a pre-audit submission or similar document. The information which is provided in this document will inform the type of audit that your business requires.

The level of risk associated with your business activity and the number of employees that you have will determine the duration of your audit. Higher risk suppliers may require a two-day onsite audit which includes speaking with members of your staff. For lower-risk suppliers, a shorter audit process may be all that is needed.

An Achilles UVDB Verify audit will require your business to provide details of the management systems that you have in place for Safety, Health, Environment and Quality (SHEQ), along with your Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). As well as examining your systems, you may also be required to have a site-based assessment too. For a two-day audit, this could involve the auditor conducting a one-day assessment of your management systems, and a one-day assessment of your site. During the site visit, the auditor is likely to want to interview your staff. The auditor may also view your equipment, facilities and the materials used in your processes.

During the audit, the auditor will record their findings. Following the audit, an audit report will be produced detailing your results and the auditor’s findings. The report will then be available for buyers to view when selecting suppliers for future work opportunities.

How JVR Consultancy can Help Support Your Business in the Audit Process

Audit readiness is vital to help you to pass your audit. Preparation for the audit is key to receiving the results that you need to retain your accreditation, and to ensure your business secures lucrative work in the future.

As a respected compliance and audit consultancy, here at JVR Consultancy, we can use our skills and expertise to prepare your business for the audit process fully.

Our consultants can offer your company a bespoke audit-readiness service to ensure that you have everything in place for a successful assessment of your business. You can depend on our trusted service to take away the stress often associated with the audit process, and approach your audit with confidence that you are fully prepared for the auditor’s visit.

We will work with you to gain an in-depth understanding of your policies and procedures, and will then develop your management systems to meet the required standards for compliance.

At JVR Consultancy, we are invested in helping you to achieve the best possible outcome from your audit and will support you through the process.

Enlisting the services of JVR Consultancy will provide you with the expert advice needed for audit preparation. Contact us to find out how we can prepare your business for a successful audit by calling us on 01628 565256 or emailing us on

Frequently Asked Questions from our Customers

Achieve Accreditation and Compliance with JVR

JVR Consultancy was formed in the year 2008 and their head office is based in Windsor and Maidenhead. We noticed that there was a gap in the market, for companies who work in the construction, rail, utilities, oil and gas sector who were not fully supported in the way that they could be when it came to industry compliance and certification. That is why our highly experienced team of compliance consultants can serve these sectors by providing over 135 years of combined experience with all compliance needs. In short, you won’t find anyone else who cares as much, or who tries as hard as we do.

Speak with one of our experienced consultants. At JVR, we know that time is precious, and you want the answers to your questions quickly, especially during an audit!. Once we speak with you for the first time over the phone, we need around 10 minutes to fully evaluate which accreditation you need support with and a brief introduction into you and your company.

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Matt Whiteman

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