We pride ourselves in being one of the UK’s longest standing; cost-effective, Achilles support consultancy. We assist our clients with their required Achilles accreditation, by working on a fixed fee project, enabling them to pass their Achilles audits
Achilles BuildingConfidence brings suppliers and buyers in the UK together, within the Construction sector, promoting the health and safety of construction workers, and reducing the cost in the supply chain
RSSB RISQS: From May 1st, 2018 Achilles contract comes to an end to provide services to RISQS or have any involvement with RISQS.
Achilles will, however, plan to operate a different supplier assurance scheme, called TransQ Global, which has caused some confusion in the market place.
Achilles UVDB is the accreditation for the UK utility sector, enabling the Achilles’ supplier pre-qualification system to manage the risks that are associated with the supply chain and also to comply with EU laws.
TransQ Global is a supplier registration and pre-qualification system that brings together transport buyers and suppliers to facilitate greater cross-sector business opportunities and better supply chain visibility, more efficiently by EU laws. The community covers rail, road, air, maritime and logistics.