What is Gap Analysis and how will the report benefit me?

Would you like your business to reap the benefits associated with accreditation, but feel unsure where to start? If so, JVR Consultancy can help by performing a GAP Analysis for your business. In this article we explain what is Gap Analysis.

Reading Time: 4 minutes

Businesses operating in high-risk industries such as construction, rail, gas, oil, and utilities can benefit significantly from accreditation. Being accredited provides firms with the opportunity to put themselves forward for bigger and far more lucrative contracts than an unaccredited company. Having a recognised accreditation lets potential clients know that your business operates to a high standard and reassures them that your business is both well-managed and capable of handling high-profile contracts. Many larger companies will only bring accredited companies into their supply chain so that they can be assured that they are a trusted supplier.

While gaining accreditation can help to secure your business higher profile contracts and increased profits, achieving accreditation can be a time-consuming process. Navigating your business through the process of having your accreditation application accepted requires careful planning and in-depth analysis. Using highly experienced compliance consultants such as JVR Consultancy will help you to complete the accreditation process. JVR can perform a GAP Analysis to help you understand exactly what changes your business needs to make to achieve accredited status.

What is the GAP Analysis Report?

So what is GAP Analysis? The Gap Analysis Report is an invaluable tool to implement on your journey to accreditation. JVR Consultancy will carry out the GAP Analysis for you and report back to you on their findings.

The GAP Analysis acts as a bridge that takes your business from its current position, to where you want it to be. Carrying out a Gap Analysis provides a means for thoroughly assessing your business as it is right now, and then detailing the steps needed to take it to your planned position, such as achieving accreditation.

What Does a GAP Analysis Involve?

Here at JVR Consultancy, we are highly experienced in helping companies to achieve the accreditation that their business requires. We understand how important it is for your business to become accredited. Receiving an accredited status can offer a wealth of opportunities to your company and boost its long term success significantly. Therefore, you can be assured that we will work hard to understand your business and the way that it works fully so that we can offer you the best possible service, and ultimately achieve the most successful outcome.

The coronavirus pandemic has impacted companies of all sizes, forcing many to reduce their business operation or sadly to close altogether. This had freed time and resources to focus on reorganisation and restructuring. Now could be the time to conduct a gap analysis as you have the time to think ahead and plan for the future, post COVID-19. If your business has been impacted by COVID-19 we recommend you read our blog article on how to grow your business during the pandemic.

Our remote free gap analysis is carried out remotely. We have been working remotely with clients for 11 years – long before the covid-19 crisis – and so we are more than capable of doing a thorough assessment without having to plan an on-site visit and put you at risk.

Stage 1 of the GAP Analysis Process

When you contact us to arrange your free GAP Analysis, we will immediately get to work. We will start by firstly pinpointing what it is that your business needs to do to achieve your desired accreditation. Our findings will allow us to identify a series of objectives that are required for your company to gain accreditation.

Benefits of The Gap Analysis

The ultimate aim of the Gap Analysis report that we provide is to ensure that your business meets all the required standards to receive accreditation.

Our consultants will use their skills and experience to guide you through the process, as well as providing you with detailed objectives that are needed for your business to become accredited.

As well as helping you to achieve your ultimate goal of becoming accredited, using our GAP Analysis service will provide many other benefits too. Our consultant’s specialist knowledge and experience will also provide you with many additional useful insights into your business operation. As a result of receiving a JVR Consultancy GAP Analysis, you are likely to find that cost savings are identified, along with opportunities to streamline your business and improve efficiency.

Get in touch today to find out more about how your business can benefit from JVR Consultancy’s FREE GAP Analysis service by calling 01628 565 256 or emailing us at info@jvrconsultancy.com

Frequently Asked Questions from our Customers

Achieve Accreditation and Compliance with JVR

JVR Consultancy was formed in the year 2008 and their head office is based in Windsor and Maidenhead. We noticed that there was a gap in the market, for companies who work in the construction, rail, utilities, oil and gas sector who were not fully supported in the way that they could be when it came to industry compliance and certification. That is why our highly experienced team of compliance consultants can serve these sectors by providing over 135 years of combined experience with all compliance needs. In short, you won’t find anyone else who cares as much, or who tries as hard as we do.

Speak with one of our experienced consultants. At JVR, we know that time is precious, and you want the answers to your questions quickly, especially during an audit!. Once we speak with you for the first time over the phone, we need around 10 minutes to fully evaluate which accreditation you need support with and a brief introduction into you and your company.

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  • Free Gap Analysis

    Assess the difference between your business performance & your goals.

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Gap Analysis Report - Request a Free Remote Assessment

Free Remote Gap Analysis

Book a Free Remote Gap Analysis during Covid-19 for your business. To learn more, why not read our What is Gap Analysis blog article and understand how a Gap report would benefit your company.



Matt Whiteman

I hope you enjoy reading this article.

If you want to talk to me about your compliance requirements, please click here.

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