George Heighway Electrical Services – G.H.E.S

Client Testimonial – RISQS Accreditation

George Heighway Electrical Services – G.H.E.S. is an electrical company based in Seaton, Devon. G.H.E.S are experts in supplying services within the Rail and Construction industries. George contacted JVR Consultancy as he wanted to work in the Rail Industry. For that, they required RISQS accreditation. Here is what G.H.E.S. had to say about JVR Consultancy’s service –

‘From start to finish JVR Consultancy provide an excellent service. We are a small company, so their help was crucial in getting through the whole process. Now we have the RISQS accreditation we can win more business to help grow our company. I would highly recommend JVR Consultancy to any company.’

George Heighway Electrical Services Ltd was dealt with by our South East Coast office, Bournemouth. JVR Consultancy has 22 offices based in the UK & Ireland.

To find out more about becoming RISQS Accredited, please click the link below to access further information:

Logo of the Railway Industry Supplier Qualification Scheme (RISQS). The design features a blue circular border with the text "Railway Industry Supplier Qualification Scheme" in white, surrounding the red acronym "RISQS" with a stylized railway track graphic. Proudly supported by George Heighway Electrical Services.

Bespoke training courses to suit your specific needs

In addition to helping you design, document, implement, and operate a simple management system, we also provide internal audit training and representation during your certification audits.

Our clients have the use of our lead consultant’s details for the competent persons for Health, Safety, and Environment and Quality Management. The lead consultant can also be made available during re-audit if required.



Matt Whiteman

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